The healthiest and freshest Extra Virgin Olive Oil is only available every winter season.  It’s that time of year where every olive oil farmer gets really excited!


That’s because we olive farmers are full of anticipation. What will this harvest bring? After tending to our orchards all year long, we finally get to taste the fruit of our labor at the end of the year. Oh what a rich and rewarding experience!


And there it is, we cradle our finest baby. Our newest oil – the Olio Nuovo. It’s the year’s very first olive oil, newly pressed and as fresh as can be.


It also delivers a much higher level of polyphenols. These are antioxidants found in plants and some of the benefits may contribute to reduced cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improved blood circulation to name a few.  


Olio Nuovo is meant as a treat and has a limited shelf life. It should be consumed within the first 3 months.


Generally, this fresh oil is more pungent than our award-winning EVOO. Small particles of the olive flesh are suspended in the oil. We bottle our Olio Nuovo in limited quantity immediately after harvest.


And speaking of harvest, every production season is different due to various reasons, from climate change to bee pollination. Some harvest seasons are more bountiful than others, and 2020 olive season did not produce as much oil than other years.


However, we are extremely fortunate that we were still able to produce some oil for this year from the Mission olive in the vacuum mill. 


Therefore, get your bottle of our freshest, newest oil. We truly only have an extremely limited amount of new oil to go around!

Nuvo Olive OIl