Fused Butter Olive Oil

$ 12.99 USD

Are you ready for the ultimate power couple?  BUTTER Infused Olive Oil - in larger sizes by popular demand!

Simply put, this is a wow!  Why fight between butter or olive oil when you can get the best of both worlds?  Olive oil has a higher smoke point than butter but sometimes a dish needs that creamy, buttery flavor.

Vegans and Vegetarians are especially happy to re-introduce this amazing flavor back into their lives.  You get that great butter flavor delivered in a healthy way - the Nuvo Way!

And just wait until you try it on popcorn you're going to be in 7th heaven.  
  • Add to:  Everything?  Everything!  Cooking or baking with it is a must.  Popcorn, eggs, veggies, steak, seafood, finish pasta, or risotto. 
  • *Cookies are moister inside and crunchier outside when made with olive oil.  Now you won't miss the buttery flavor since you have this new love child!
This amazing Butter infused Olive Oil is made with a natural butter extract that is mixed with our Everyday All Purpose California Extra Virgin

Olives from our 125-year-old orchard.  For BUTTER lovers, you can finally have your cake and eat it too!
Salads, Veggies, Tofu, Quinoa, Fish, Chicken, Asparagus, Seafood, Pork, Steak, Pasta, Rice, Popcorn, Eggs and so much more!

Available in 100 ml 250 ml and 500 ml bottles.